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Policies: Attendance

For a complete copy of the Foothill Adventist School Policy Handbook, visit the Downloads section.

General Information

Habits of promptness and regularity are as much a part of the educational process as our books and study. Students who learn to be punctual and faithful in attendance during their elementary years, will be properly trained for their future responsibilities as adults. Cooperation between the home and the school is important in the continuing development of habits which include appreciation and respect for the time of others.

An explanation of each absence must be provided either in written form or by parental contact with the homeroom teacher.

Foothill Adventist School is bound by the laws of California to maintain regular class attendance records.

The following policy has been adopted:

  1. Students are expected to attend school regularly and on time.
  2. Written verification noting reason for absence or tardiness must be signed by the parent, guardian or doctor and presented to the school within 24 hours after the student returns if the school was not contacted by phone on the day of or prior to the absence. A doctor's verification may be requested. Doctor or dental appointments should be arranged before or after school.
  3. If absent, students must make up work. Arrangements for making up work must be established with the teacher upon the return of the student. If work is not made up, it may result in lowering the grade. The class work must be made up within a specific time period equaling one day make-up per one day absence. In case of a prearranged absence, the class work is due the next day. All work not made up within the time limit will be graded zero (0). Extenuating circumstances, however, may be considered in extending the time for make-up.
  4. The school will keep a record of all student absences and tardies.
  5. If a child has an acceptable excuse for the absence, sickness or attendance at a funeral of an immediate family member, with the appropriate documentation, the absence will not be counted against the child when the school is sending attendance letters. If the excuse is unacceptable and/or no documentation is provided, the absence will count towards sending an attendance letter.
  6. Three unexcused tardies will be counted as one absence towards the school issuing an attendance warning letter.
  7. Whenever a student is absent:
    1. three (3) consecutive school days, or
    2. for a total of five (5) school days per month, or
    3. a total of seven (7) school days per grading period, the teacher will refer the student to the school principal or his/her designee. The school principal or his/her designee shall notify the parent by letter that such parent is requested to provide the school, in writing, of the reason for the student's absence or tardiness. If verification is not received by the school within three (3) schools days of the date of the notice the case will be referred to the School Attendance Review Committee (SARC). This group of people may include counselors, Social Services, and the Police Department (based on California Truancy Laws). In cases of excessive absences, tardies, or early dismissals, a parent conference will be requested. If verification is not received by the school within three (3) school days of the date of the notice or if conferences are not held, the case will be referred to the SARC.

Arrival Procedures

Foothill Adventist School morning supervision is under the latchkey program. Arrangements must be made with the latchkey director for payment of these services. Classes begin at 8:00 A.M. All students must report to the gym for opening exercises at 7:55 A.M.

Dismissal Procedures

School will dismiss at 3:00 P.M. on Monday - Thursday and at 2:00 P.M. on Friday. Early dismissal time for In-Service and other special occasions are noted on the school calendar. At 3:30 P.M., M-Th, and 2:30, on Friday, if a parent has not picked up their child, the child will be admitted into the latchkey program. When students have been dismissed they may not be permitted to re-enter the room to retrieve items that may have been left behind. Fees will be charged for their care. After 6:00 P.M. fees are $5.00 for the first 15 minutes and $1.00 for each minute thereafter. Regular latchkey fees apply at 3:30 and are due upon pick-up of the child.


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